

Camp at Little Dome C arrived on site on November 22nd 2017

The objective of this camp is the search of good candidate sites to retrieve a very old ice record (target 1.5 million of years) and to decide the location where the rapid access “Subglacior” and “RADIX”

probes will be deployed. To do so geophysical investigations with radars and GPS as well as a 600 m deep fast drilling (RAID) and will be performed.

This field work is part of the Beyond EPICA Oldest Ice Project (BE-OI) Coordination Support Action H2020 and is made possible by the logistic of ENEA and IPEV.

Little Dome C is located at approximately 40 km at SW from Concordia Station. The camp was established at the precise location 75° 21′

54.5” S, 122° 24′ 49.3” E (in the kitchen) at elevation of 3228 m, from 1200 km from the coast, with an ice thickness of 2643 m and with an average annual temperature of -55°C. The complete team consists of Massimo Frezzotti (ENEA), Saverio Panichi (ENEA), Michele Scalet (PNRA), Rob Mulvaney (BAS), Julius Rix (BAS) and Catherine Ritz (IGE/UGA-CNRS).

European site for Oldest ICE

Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie,
l'energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile
Unità Tecnica Antartide